Daily Inspiration for the New Year

With New Year’s resolutions looming, maybe you resent the pressure to make changes based on the turning of a calendar page or welcome a clean slate to jump start your life. No matter the day, month, or year, chances are you’ve been meaning to break a bad habit or start a positive new routine. 

Accomplishing small, achievable steps that lead towards your ultimate goal will help keep you motivated and on track. Once you reach these milestones, be sure to treat yourself to encourage the progress you’ve made. 

So go ahead and slap on some running shoes, tune that old guitar, and finally clean out your closet as we say cheers to the new year. 

 To keep you on the path to self improvement, here are some of our favorite inspirational items for 2016:

Simplify - Bumper Sticker
All Know the Way, Few Actually Walk It - Poster
Buddha on Happiness - Rod Tapestry
Without Love and a Dream it Will Never Come True - Sticker 

Thousands of Candles Can Be Lit From a Single Candle - Poster

How to Tell if You Have Fall Denial

If you’re like us, you might be dealing with an acute case of fall denial. 

Symptoms include: fading tan lines, long sleeve phobia, and iced drink aversion.

Fear not, because we have a cure to help ease you into autumn.

We prescribe one warm blanket and a couple pints of beer mugs of hot chocolate to be taken as needed. This medication for cold weather blues is most effective when taken while challenging your friends to some old school video games.

For a hearty dose of nostalgia, here are some of our favorite throwbacks to keep your cabin fever at bay:

Melting Rubik's Cube - Blanket