15 Signs You Might Be a Hippie

If your name is Moonbeam or Echo, you can probably just stop right here and collect your free-spirit certificate without reading on. But for the rest of you questioning your gypsy cred, here are some signs that may speak to your inner flower child.
There's a little hippie in all of us, so drop a comment below about the ones you relate to most. 

1. Starving Artist
You're so crafty your initials should be DIY.
Tie-Dye Swirl - Drawstring Backpack

2. Age of Aquarius
You try not to judge, but a date with the wrong star sign can be a real deal breaker.
Opticz - Signs of The Zodiac - Black Light Poster

3. Incense 
You're like the boho version of "Pig-Pen" with a cloud of Nag Champa smoke following wherever you go.
Red Nag Champa - Incense Sticks

4.  Reefer Madness
You've thought about legally changing your name to Mary Jane or Bud.
Green Man - Hand Embroidered - Patch

5. Door Beads
It's like parting the Red Sea for guests to get through your doorways without getting tangled.
Multi-Color Flowers - Black Light - Door Beads

6. Long Hair, Don’t Care
If you're being totally honest, it's been "don't-care-hair" at almost every length.
Psychedelic Hippie Chick with Third-Eye - Sticker
7. Farmers' Market
To you, BYOB means Bring Your Own Bag.
Multi-Color Striped - Green - Tote Bag

8. Burning Man
You list your mailing address as: The Playa.
Kokopelli - Patch

9. Naturalist
You're on the quest for the perfect natural deodorant and nothing's going to get in your way.

10. Vegetarian
When Meatless Monday becomes Meatless Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...
Third Eye Bear - Sticker

11. Wild Child
You put most Boy Scouts to shame with your natural ability to thrive in the great outdoors.
Fishel - The Creator - Poster

12. Activist
You've mastered the perfect protest chant and your motto is,"if it rhymes, it chimes".

13. Yogi
Even if you just want to Namast'ay in bed, you still make time to center your chakras daily.

14.  Disc Jockey
 Your vinyl collection is so massive it's gonna have to start paying you rent.

15. Wanderlust
You can fit all of your belongings into a backpack for whenever you catch the travel bug.
Grateful Dead - Bears on Tour Bus - Sticker

Peace, Love, and Hempiness

Hemp is the original coconut oil; a wonder plant with almost innumerable uses. From lotions to protein powders and bio-fuels to backpacks, the variety of forms this environmentally sustainable plant can take on is really remarkable. The United States is home to the most consumers of hemp products yet also holds the conflicting title as the only industrialized country to ban its cultivation.

Anti-drug sentiments in the 1950's fueled a misunderstanding that the hemp plant should be regulated as a controlled substance, even though there is almost no THC content. With a rich history of cultivation spanning thousands of years, including the likes of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, it's shocking that cultivating hemp is still illegal in many states.

For more green in our economy and our environment, demand political change by supporting hemp in all the forms you can. Whether it's a trusty wallet or handmade bracelet, tell us in the comments below about your most treasured hemp accessories!

     George Washington - I Grew Hemp - Bumper Sticker
      Hemp - Dreamcatcher     
          Embroidered Rasta Peace - Hemp - Shoulder Bag
           Pure Hemp - Purple - Checkbook Wallet

         Colorful Om Burst - Brown - Hemp - Shoulder Bag
           Hemp - Green - Backpack